Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Its your birthday get your grove on

Trey turns one Tomorrow. I can not believe how fast this first year has gone by (sigh, Tear). Trey turning one makes me not only pat myself on the back for getting through the first year but think what have I gotten myself into!!! J/K

I have included a picture of Trey the day he was born and one from a few weeks ago, so that you can all experience the greatness that is my son!! Yeah Rob and I made that and no it it's not for sale.
Saturday we went over to our friend Nate's house for a BBQ it was a good thing we had something to eat first since Nate's brisket didn't get ready till three AM (some people should leave the meat smoking to the masters, Right Rob). It was a really good time and as always Nate was the man!!

For Trey's first birthday he had a Monster Bash theme party. I know what a lot of you are thinking "Monster bash, he won't even remember his first birthday!" Well haters, here are some useful things about throwing a monster bash theme party, you get to make your friends wear name tags that say monster names (and trust me they are more into it then the kids), you let everyone know what kind of people live in your house (chalk on the sidewalk saying Beware monster's only), and paper monster feet taped to the floor let's everyone know where the bathroom (those are staying, I think they will be useful for the future.)

In conclusion her are a few things I learned from my sons first birthday party:
1. No pinatas ever again (kids are insane and one year old's are scared of dragens, who knew?)
2. Naps are so important before the party starts.
3. When you use Penny's to hold up your pool liner some kid will steal them.
4. This one is the most important, never throw the party at your house that's what grandparents are for!!!
Love ya,

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Im on a Boat!

Sorry this ones late, I forgot to bring my camera to the lake with us so we had to buy a disposal and then wait for the pictures to be developed. let me tell you those things are the worst, sorry about all the fingers in front of the lens.

Last week went by super fast. Friday we had a birthday party for our friends Nancy and Andy, it went really well and everyone had a blast. Something really funny that happened is everyone brought their bathing suits even thought I didn't even tell anyone to, It's official people love our back yard. Sorry there's no pictures, we were having so much fun that I forgot to get out the camera. Our friend Lauren's little sister CC came over and babysat Trey during the party, this is the first time we've used a teenage babysitter so we were a little nervous but she did a great Job. CC was shocked at how much Trey can eat. She came up to Rob and I and asked if it was OK that he had 9 slices of watermelon!! Let me tell you he slept hard that night.

Trey let us sleep in Saturday, which was wonderful!!! when we woke up we drove down to Rob's grandma and grandpas house, Judy even came. Robs sister Kristi has a boat and we wanted to take trey. He's been in the pool but never on a boat so we didn't know how it would go, well he loved it. He went tubing with me and swimming with Rob. It was really fun. Rob kept dipping Trey in the water and calling him, Trey the teabag!

After the lake we went back to Rob's grandma and grandpas house, they have a dance hall on their propriety called the Moon shiners social club and they had a special dance that night. Trey two stepped for a little while but he was pretty tired. After the dance we all went out and watched the fire works. It was a wonderful weekend and I think everyone had a great time.

Rob and I got to go on a date last night, it was so nice it has bee so long since we've been alone! We went and saw Transformers (rob liked it but I just thought it was OK). There will be no blog next week since we will be preparing for Treys 1st birthday but be ready for a big one the week after.
Love ya,

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4Th of July weekend everyone!!! This was a busy week for Rob and I. Tuesday Trey and I went out and watched Rob's softball game and they won, go team Fritz!! Thursday Rob and I went and played co-ed softball with our team and we lost :( but it was still a lot of fun I hit a double and scored two runs for our team! (I'm not very good so this is saying a lot). Judy finished her digital art class this week and .. aced it, go Judy!! Trey also started walking this week, Rob and I are in trouble.
I wanted to include these pictures of Trey. Rob and I have come to realize that hygiene is very important to Trey, maybe too important as you can see below:
The boy loves brushing those two teeth:

He also managed to get into aunt Judy's purse and found some personal items (I am saving these pictures for when he brings his first girlfriend):

Friday night I went out with my girlfriends to dinner and to see the musical Legally Blond, it was really fun and a much needed "night off "(ha, all the moms out there know there's no such thing as a night off). Rob, Josh and Trey had a fun boys night at the house filled with PS3 and Chinese food:

Starlight is an outdoor theater and it started to rain so the girls and I made a hot fashion statement even if rain ponchos aren't in style right now we are bring it back.
I think we look a little like tella tubby's or garden Nome's you decide:
At the end of the day I just wanted to relax with my Hubby and my Snuggy (thanks for the great birthday present Emily) and watch the elimination show of So You Think You Can Dance (love that show)
Snuggys are also great if you are attending an acient druids meeting and a helpful hint if you cant afford one just turn your robe arond and bam instant snuggy!

Saturday was Treys first Forth of July unfortunately Rob had to work at the Leawood fair, so about five Trey I went down there to have fun and support Fritz's, Luckily my Lauren came as well with three of the Kizer clan (there are seven Kids total ages 23-6, they must not have cable). everyone had a blast and and Trey loved being around other kids.

Unfortunately the Kizers had to leave and Trey and I were on our own. Trey got to do sooo much stuff (to bad he's 11 months and won't remember most of it) ride the train, play at the play ground, check out the police van and Fire truck, get a cool spider painting to match his spider 4th of July outfit and dance to the band.

At the end of the night Trey watched the fireworks with daddy unfortunately he did not last to the end.
That's it for now,
Love the Reeves and Judy!